Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 1

Recap of my day:

5am WOD - ahhhhh just as we suspected, we started the day with a little Fran...

No, not this Fran....

....this Fran!

Considering I can't do a pull up and this was my first time with Fran, I don't think I did too bad...managed to finish in a little over 8 minutes. After Fran, we had a 1000m row for time (4:25)

Over all a good morning at the step, plan my first day of Paleo!

Breakfast was a no brainer - two eggs, scrambled, cooked with EVOO and 1/2 c all natural apple sauce

Not hungry at all, but I know we are supposed to eat every 3 hours or so, so it was officially snack time!! 1/4 cup raw, organic almonds and 1 cup of strawberries! Delish!

lunch time!! 4oz of chicken over lettuce, tomato, cucumber and red onion, with oil and vinegar for dressing. So full!!
Hitting a lull...sitting on the bus on the way to our field hockey game and slowly dozing off! At this point, I feel exhausted! Not sure if it is the 4:30 wake up call, the changed diet, or just being on the bus for an hour! Either way, it's no fun!

Slowly noshed on beef jerky and carrot sticks while the first game was being played...that woke me up a little, but was still feeling pretty "blah" throughout the game and bus ride home!

Too hungry to snap a picture of dinner, but it was some good (but a little bland) Thai Chicken Curry, that I had made on Saturday for our Paleo information session! I was freezing my butt of and it was warm, quick, and most importantly, it served it's purpose!

I'm still hungry, but it is nearing my bedtime, sheer exhaustion is taking over and 4:30am is EARLY and doesn't get easier with each 5am WOD!

Good night y'all!

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