Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 2

First and foremost, let me take this time to remember all those lost on this day 11 years ago. What a terrible day for the fate of our country and certainly one I will never forget. It was my freshman year at Endicott College and I was in a class with mostly upper class men. When the news broke, we were all sent back to our dorms, and being so close to Boston, the campus was put in lock down mode. I remember it like it was yesterday, watching the news on my tiny 9'' tv, just sitting on the foot of my twin bed, crying - I was sad, scared, and in disbelief.

Day Two begins...

Let me tell you, no matter how many days you do it in a row, waking up at 4:30 in the morning never gets easy!! I have to set two alarms every morning...one for 4:15 and another for 4:30 because I am bound to hit snooze more than once!

I really wish I had this clock on my night stand..who would want to chuck this guy across the room to avoid waking up?!? Not this girl!!

I'm not going to lie, today's WOD was tough! Thank god for Mat playing bodyguard to all those super creepy people hanging out on Elm Street at 5am or else I might not be here to blog this post! Ok...so maybe that's a BIT of an exaggeration, after my first 400m "sprint" (I call it a sprint, most people would call it a jog), I realized that it wasn't creepy people on the street I needed to fear, it was the damn pot holes and garbage on the sidewalks! Get it together Manchester!!! I no longer fear the 5am runs in the dark, at least I accomplished SOMETHING this morning! Here's a little idea of what I was getting myself into this morning...notice, I am still smiling after it was all done!

It doesn't look bad, right? Pssssh let's just say, I liked Fran better than I liked today's WOD...shhhh don't tell!!                                                  

So I survived this morning, with my 1RM at 185 - finishing the WOD in 23:26 with 135 on my dead lifts (it's Rx'd for body weight...so I chose my goal body weight, as my ACTUAL body weight was too heavy for me to lift 36 times!)

Breakfast time!!
Veggie Omelet, strawberries, and coffee with coconut milk!

It might not be the prettiest omelet you've ever seen, but damn was it good!

I.AM.STARVING!!!!!! Someone FEED me!!
1/4 cup of almonds and an apple made for the perfect snack...that took me an hour to finish! Much better now :)

Cranky.Tired.Emotional - not hungry, haven't had lunch yet! Let's hope this turns around sooner than later!!

Lunch time!!! I finally felt hungry, but didn't want a salad - I felt like biting into something, but of course I couldn't have your typical sandwich, sooooo a yummy lettuce wrap it was! 
Still cranky...still tired...still emotional...even a fresh haircut didn't break me out of this funk! 

Went to A-Market for some grass fed beef and with the hopes of finding some decent jerky to snack on! Well...I saw some jerky with "Primal" written on it, so I assume it is exactly what I'm looking for, WRONG! It was "Vegan Meatless Soy Jerky" UGH - one bite and I almost threw up. There goes $5, hopefully my one and only vegan friend will like them, so they don't go to waste. I settled for some jerky from Shaw's and noshed on that for an afternoon snack.

I don't know what else to call my dinner creation tonight, other than DELICIOUS!

I bought some grass fed ground beef from the A-Market and a sweet potato, with the thoughts that I'd make a burger and some sweet potato "fries" - well I got hungry faster than expected and didn't want to wait for my "fries" to bake....so I sautéed some diced onion and garlic in some EVOO, diced up the sweet potatoes and microwaved them for 2 min, added them and the ground beef to the onions and garlic and continued to cook the meat through. About halfway through, I add some tomato and mushrooms to the mix and continued to cook. Ended up pouring the beef and veggie mixture over the potatoes. Holy yummy!! 

Feeling much better after that delicious meal and ready to relax for the rest of the night!

Final thought for the day....Mat sent me my "before" pictures this morning...do I post them on here or not? I asked for them for my own personal motivation, not sure I'm ready to share them with the world...although, I'm not sure anyone well ever even read this!

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